2016年10月27日 星期四

Difference between Wow snooper diagnostic interface Wurth wow snooper+ and 2014.3 delphi ds150e tester

As we all know that wow snooper diagnostic interface can replace autocom cdp+ and delphi ds150e tester. Wurth wow snooper+ with new wurth wow 5.00.8 software can support 2016 new cars. Below OBD2Tuning.com sharing Difference between Wow snooper diagnostic interface Wurth wow snooper+ and 2014.3 delphi ds150e tester. 

Bluetooth Wurth wow autocom cdp+ Delphi würth wow snooper+ V5.00.8

Difference between Wow snooper diagnostic interface Wurth wow snooper+ and 2014.3 delphi ds150e tester: 

1. The PCB boards for them two in fact totally the same, both are the Blue double PCB version.

2. software not the same: DS150e 2015.03 only with Delphi software, while the wow snooper have the wow software, now version is v5.008R2 V5.008 R3;

3. looks from outside is different, 

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